Images of irony exist everywhere. The following images were taken over an extended period of time and possess a certain quality of irony that can’t be denied. There is something in them, the found, the lost, the trash the objects have become, that made me stop take a second look and make an image with a camera.
I am no art photographer and don’t consider these images to be art as such. I am a photojournalist who lives to capture the moment as Cartier Bresson did.

So why the deviation from journalism? I would argue that these images are a sort of journalism. A documentation of the urban garbage we find on our city streets and little shrines of the weird set up to capture our imagination. What does a hula dancer have to do with bobble-head dogs? Why does an ice cream cone wrapped in an American flag carry a crushing sense of loss? To see an armless Venus de Mayo is accepted but remove the head and the ordinary becomes abnormal, something to take a deeper look at.
Wow, this kind of changed some perspectives.